
Willing to start sailing, willing to start racing, looking for the class and selection rules?
You are at the right place!

Start SailingStart RegattasNational Team
The best way to start Sailing is in a club proposing seasonal courses or camps. You can also join the famous Davos-camp usually held in July.To start Regatta Sailing in Optimist you will need to be a member of a swiss sailing club, you will need a boat with swiss measurement papers, a third party insurance certificate, and an affiliation to Swiss Optimist.To be part of the Swiss National Optimist Team you must register for the selection beginning of the year, and qualify yourself on the Swiss Point-Championship and at the selection regattas.

Swiss Optimist Membership

Become Swiss Optimist Member: see “Members”

Opti A: up to 15 years old in the Calender Year
Opti B: up to 11 years old in the Calendar Year

I have a new Boat: What to do?

Insurance Certificate Form (FR, DE, EN)


Security directives (EN)

Saison 2024-25 and after
PM Regulation 2024 (DE, FR, EN)
Selection regulation 2024 (DE, FR, EN)

Swiss Optimist Statutes (EN)
Statuten (DE)
Statuts (FR)

IODA Documents (incl. IODA Handbook)

Regatta Organizers

2024 NOR – Notice of Race (EN-DE, EN-FR, EN-IT)
2024 SI – Sailing Instructions (EN-DE, EN-FR, EN-IT)

Manage2Sail Instructions for Race Officer (EN)
Manage2Sail Instructions for the Score Officer (EN)

Team-Race Swiss Championship rules (DE)

Team-Race for umpires

Team-Race Call-book

If you did not find something, feel free to contact us.