Newsletter 2022/1 (English)

Swiss Optimist Newsletter

Edition March 2022/01


Dear Sailors, dear Parents,

The Sailing Season is about to start in Switzerland, we would like to take this opportunity to share a few useful information with you.

Our program for the year 2022 is defined, and is available on the Swiss Optimist Website.

In order to compete on the national events (PM and Swiss Championships) a few administrative tasks will be necessary.

  • You will have to pay the 2022 membership fee before your first regatta. This is 60 CHF (unchanged)
  • New members must first register.
  • You also need send your valid liability insurance certificate in advance to Riccardo.
  • If you changed your sail-number, your address, your name etc. please inform directly Tanja by mail.
    Please send any new measurement certificate to Riccardo.

Once you have done all this, your status on the membership list will appear green!

Those (born between 2010 and 2007) who want to participate to the selection to the World, European and North American Championship must apply on-line before March 31! Selection Entry Form.

  • The entry fee for the selection is 40 CHF without Swiss Optimist Life Vest, and 115 CHF with.
  • You can get your Life Vests on the next PM, that is currently Lugano.


  • The 5 best sailors will qualify to the World Championship,
  • the next 7 (max 4 of the same gender) will qualify to the European Championship.
  • By registering for the selection, sailors commit to participate to these events, including the training camps before, if selected. (The expected costs are respectively 6000 and 5000 CHF.)
  • Additionally the best 2 boys and 2 girls selected for the European Championship will represent Switzerland on the Team-race European Championship.
  • NAM will be decided later, depending on the number of places Switzerland will get.

Payments can be done to the following Account:
                  CH89 0900 0000 1741 9938 9
                  Association Suisse Optimist
                  Chemin du Moulin 19,  1168 Villars-sous-Yens

(Do not forget to communicate your Name and Sailnumber!)



Our first official event will be the Lugano PM again. Besides the joy of seeing you racing again, we will have to vote on the 2023 Swiss Championship venue, and we will discuss with the coaches a few changes planned for the 2023 selection. Due to the current situation in Ukraine, Swiss Optimist will follow the decisions of Swiss Sailing and limit the participation of sailors representing the Russian Federation and Belarus.

We would like to say in advance a big thank you to all the helpers, participating clubs, coaches and parents who will be helping our events in any form this year (again).

One last thing: our Association will be very soon eligible for the Migros Support your Sport action. Do not forget your coupons!

All the above information, and many more can be found also on the website.

Feel free to contact us for any question, proposal, wish or remark!

Your Swiss Optimist Committee:
Julie, Tanja, Frédérique, Chantal, Carmen, William, Riccardo, Hene, Marcelo, David, Tirone, Damir